What to Pack…

We often get asked via email what our Guests need to pack for their stay with us at Vuyani Safari Lodge. So I thought it would be a good idea to give you a general overview of what I think is necessary to pack.

The first item you should bring along is sunscreen – at least a factor 30, as the African sun is rather harsh all year round. A comfortable and well fitted hat (as it can easily get blown off on the drives) and sunglasses. A Camera (you do NOT want to miss that perfect shot) also ensure that you have plenty of space on your Memory Card, or even better bring two or three with you! Binoculars (not a requirement) but it is always nice to have your own pair.

I would also suggest in the clothing department to bring at least one warm outfit with you. A Jacket/Fleece or Jumper and some warm trousers. The weather is extremely unpredictable and can go from a toasty 30 Degrees to a chilly 20 Degrees Celsius overnight! Some comfortable shoes, if you are planning on doing any activities that involve walking then pack those hiking boots, otherwise Trainers or Sneakers are perfect. On both morning and afternoon Safari the guides pick a spot where you will stop for Tea/Coffee in the morning and then again for a G&T or some delicious South African Amarula whilst the sun sets behind the Drakensberg. So there will be no strenuous hiking involved. For the lazy days around the pool Flip Flops are the best, and don’t forget the bathing suit!

At Vuyani Safari Lodge we supply towels in your room, for the pool and amenities such as Shampoo, Conditioner and Hand & Body Wash/Lotion. These products are Eco Friendly and all Natural. Insect Repellant is provided, however you are welcome to pack your own.

Another handy item would be an International Adapter for your electronics. In South Africa we have the three prong round sockets. If you have any devices that require batteries – make sure you buy these before you arrive at the lodge (Adapters and batteries are readily available at the airport)

At Vuyani Safari Lodge we have a well-stocked First Aid Kit and most of our staff are trained in First Aid. However we cannot by law provide our Guests with any medication i.e. Headache Tablets, Anti Histamine or Malaria Medication. It is also recommended that you visit your GP before travelling to South Africa.

With all these items checked you will have an enhanced and trouble free Safari Experience.

2014…a year in review.

We had a couple of building projects happening in 2014 and that was most definitely one of the highlights of the year.

We added a “Lower Deck” area where we now offer Beauty Treatments, we upgraded the entrance to the lodge and the parking area, and the biggest project of all was the building of the new office and storage areas. We are very happy in our new space and the storage areas have helped immensely.

We welcomed and bid farewell to some staff members at the lodge, we hosted a wedding and had some incredible sightings on Safari. We hosted guests for their second visits to the lodge and met some great new people too!

I cannot believe it has taken me until mid-January to post this blog, 2014 had passed way to quickly for my liking and I still have to get to terms with the fact that it is now 2015, maybe by the start of February I will be ready for the new year.

All in all 2014 was a great year for all of us here at Vuyani Safari Lodge. But as they say a picture speaks a thousand words, so I have decided to write less and show more. Please see a couple of photos that stood out for me in 2014. I has been a challenge trying to narrow it down to only a handful of photos – as we took millions in 2014. I wish everyone a prosperous 2015!

Safari from the Deck…

When staying at Vuyani Safari Lodge you do not only see animals on your morning and afternoon Safaris. we have a couple of animals that love to roam around the lodge.

The most common species that you will see is most probably the Nyala Antelope. Nyala are very docile creatures and if you approach them slowly you can get quite close for a photo. The male and Female Nyala look very different. The males are much more robust with an impressive set of horns, they are also much darker in colour and appear almost grey. They have a white strip of long hairs running down their back (resembles a Mohawk) These hairs will rise to make them appear bigger in size, this is to ward off any predators and to show rival males who is boss. The females are a brown “rusty” colour and have white spots and stripes. They are smaller in size and do not have horns.

At the lodge we are also frequently visited by Warthogs. These little guys dig up all the delicious roots and bulbs and much to the dismay of our Gardeners, ever so often snag a flower or two 🙂

Then we have the ever present and very mischievous Vervet Monkeys. They sit on the roof or in trees near and around the lodge and scrutinize our every move. If you turn your back for one second they will swoop in and grab any unattended food. Normally when they have grabbed an item (usually a muffin from the Breakfast buffet) they will run to the highest point of the roof and enjoy their delicious snack (right where all the staff can see them but not reach them) Very smart little animals.

If you have visited or planning a visit I am positive that you will see one or all of the above mentioned animals. Having your very own safari right from the pool deck.