Spoilt guests

I must say …. I am jealous. Our guests are enjoying the kind of sightings as of late that I would really love to experience myself, but I am just too busy. Joking aside: I am more than very pleased with what we are showing to our guests these days. It’s spectacular stuff, and some of it is VERY unique. Don’t get me wrong, you can see elephants on quite a few reserves. But to enjoy them so up-close, and in such a private setting, that’s very, very unusually exclusive. Special moments indeed … and then our cheetahs … that’s so unique, and rare, it isn’t even funny.

Yesterday, we tracked and found a White Rhino on Muruti as we were actually looking for the Cheetah.

Uyai picked up fresh tracks and pursued on foot – we found them not long after. They were on Caracal Road and had only walked a couple of meters when they decided it was time for a nap. Smack bang in the middle of the road they flopped down. We got some great photos. Lazy cats, and oh so beautiful. Just an amazing sort of sighting.


This morning we were on the hunt for elephants, and together with MRL guides we tracked and found them on the Eastern River Road. We sat with the herd for about 15 to 20 minutes just watching them browse. It was a great sighting for all of us. You can see on one photo how close-up you can be to these massive animals … and also how big they really are.

I particularly like the European Roller we saw. We have hundreds of beautiful species of birds on our reserve. Often overlooked, and yet totally fascinating. True African safari connoisseurs will be astonished about the sort of bird wildlife diversity we have here.

European Roller
European Roller