I wasn’t kidding …

…when I said that you can walk up very close to our cheetahs and get some of the best shots you can imagine here in South Africa. This is as unique an experience as it gets.

Of all cats, the cheetahs are the very rarest in Africa, with only about 3000 left in the wild on a continent that is larger than North America, Latin America and Europe combined. So you can imagine how unique a sighting like this one is. There are only about 300-400 cheetahs known to live  in the wild in South Africa, and that is a country twice the size of France. I think that shows what a rare gem such a sighting really is.

Uyai took photos of guests taking close-up shots of the cheetahs yesterday. We are able to find the cheetahs 2-3 times per week, so if you stay a week with us, you will see them, that’s quasi guaranteed. What a joy!