Lions at day … and night

Our lion pride is surprisingly relaxed, despite the fact that they have 3 cubs (that’s extremely exciting news!!), and they allow us to get as close as one can imagine it. We don’t want to “annoy” them, of course! We are, after all, guests in their environment, but nonetheless, you will be able to take really up-close photos of them, and you can observe them going about their lives in freedom and in their natural habitat.

Lions tend to sleep up to 22 hours within 24 hours, so one could call them “lazy”. But at night they can be very active, and indeed, as many of their preys find out, very deadly. But don’t think lions are only active at night! We have seen our pride of lions make a kill right in the middle of the day.

With the way we go out on safari game drives, in the mornings and late afternoons into the night, you can see these animals both at daytime, and also nighttime. And that’s really exciting. Yesterday we saw them twice in one day, once at night and once in the day. Very cool photos! Many thanks to Uyai for the continued good work on the photo material, he’s turning out quite the photographer. 🙂

Male lion out on the prowl at night
Male lion out on the prowl at night\
Two of our lionesses
Two of our lionesses
Lazy lioness at daytime
Lazy lioness at daytime