Loads of game!

We have had some amazing sightings again over recent days. The elephants and lions are back down south on the reserve and we are spoilt for choice once again.

We spotted Zebra, Giraffe (as always MANY) and beautiful photo opportunities.

We tracked and found the cheetahs near Riversdale gate cuddled up together to fight the cold. These two brothers truly are inseparable. And they are so photogenic!

We had audio of the elephants the whole day at the lodge, we heard them breaking branches and trumpeting around the Presidential Suites. So we had an idea of where they were. We set off in the afternoon and found them smack bang right on the Vuyani entrance road. About 500 m from the lodge. The whole herd together!

They posed no threat whatsoever as they were just curious. Really cool sighting! And I imagine for some quite nerve wrecking. We spotted them again in the morning on the entrance road. And they were once again calm and cool and munching away.

We tracked and found the Lions along with MRL guides just west of the Vuyani Safari Lodge near the riverbed.

Rex had audio of them in the morning and informed the guys. They all set out to find the cats and spotted them not too far from Vuyani Lodge having a snooze in the morning sun. Just amazing sightings … !