Predator’s days

It’s been a “hectic” couple of days … we have seen loads of large game and loads of predators … cheetahs, lions, wild dogs, bird predators, … all sorts.

We tracked and found the Ellies south of Big dam – the whole herd together – the bull was again showing us who is bigger. 😉 great sighting!

Elephant bull
Elephant bull

We then picked up fresh tracks of the Wild Dogs and spotted them at the Giraffe Road / Nyala Road split. Three of
them have veered off from the rest of the pack – but our guides are convinced they will reunite soon.

Wild dogs
Wild dogs

Amore snapped some great photos of Togara driving in the riverbed and on sundowner stop – one of the perks of working at the Lodge – you can sometimes join the Safaris. Amore, as an avid photographer, managed this great shot.

River bed cruisen'
River bed cruisen’

This morning we tracked and found the lions at Seekoei dam. The female with the sub adults had managed to take down not one – but TWO wildebeest!!!! They were feasting on the remains (which were pretty gruesome, see photo below). We snapped some incredible photos and let them be after about 15 minutes. Our guests have had a seriously spectacular couple of days … gruesome at times, but that’s nature. It’s raw and real here. And we keep it that way.

Lionesses on kill
Lionesses on kill
Beautiful Goshawk
Beautiful Goshawk