Safari blog back up with amazing news!

Our safari blog had gotten hacked a couple of days ago, which is why it had been down for that time. All is back up again, thank God we have a great IT guy who was able to undo the damage that some Russian trolls attempted to cause to our blog. And to celebrate the return of our blog, I have great news to announce:

One of our lionesses has given birth to 3 cubs !! First litter in well over 2 years, so that’s amazing news. We suspected for a while that she had given birth, as she had disappeared from sight for several weeks. Lions’ lives are particularly vulnerable in the first weeks, so what mother lions do is that they hide them in dens to protect them and regularly move them from one den to another in order to not give the location away because of the smell buildup. Very clever.

The lioness was also very aggressive when we found her, and soon we knew why: 3 cubs! The encounter was quite short, and this is the best picture Uyai managed in the situation. Nonetheless, amazing news! Fingers crossed that the 3 cubs make it, that would be wonderful … ! I’ll let you know as soon as we know more.

Lioness with one of the 3 cubs
Lioness with one of the 3 cubs