The king of the jungle …

… still is the lion. Yep. There’s no other way to put it.

And to see one of these lions close up-front, there isn’t much better. Well, maybe an elephant sighting, or a rhino sighting, but there is one thing that strikes all our guests, and that is the sheer size of these cats. Lions can weigh up to 300kg (that’s about 90 times the weight of a house cat!!), and this makes it the most powerful and feared predator in the African veld.

Lions are not too endangered yet, but their numbers are falling, as continued habitat loss is causing pressure on this species. So reserves such as ours are pivotal so that lions will roam this earth for many generations to see, hopefully forever of course. I remain optimistic that mankind will realise one day that taking 99% of the world’s land, and leaving 1% for wildlife is greedy, and that we need to give back a lot to wildlife, and share this planet more fairly.

So here photos of our pride, as seen 2 days ago. What beauty.

The whole pride ...
The whole pride …
...chilling in the shade
…chilling in the shade
Our stunning male lion up-close
Our stunning male lion up-close