Two kills in one day & bonus: elephants

Some days are just off the chart here at the lodge!

The guys went out with all our guests yesterday, and they found the entire elephant herd. They were not too far from the lodge, and they were crossing the dirt road in front of them, in a very relaxed manner. Amazing photo opportunity!

Elephant herd inspecting our game driver
Elephant herd inspecting our game driver

That alone would already make this safari outing a great success. But this was nothing compared to what was to come!

The lions had made a kill near the staff village (a zebra and fowl at the same time), so the guys headed down there, and, fair enough, the lions were to be found. They are hanging around the lodge these days, and we see them very regularly.

Lioness after kill
Lioness after kill

So far, it was a great day, no doubt about it. But there is always potential for more excitement: during the afternoon safari, Mike and Uyai found a fresh cheetah kill, ironically very near the morning’s lion kill. It seems to be the perfect spot indeed. They were found in the “Jackal’s Plain”, having taken down a young wildebeest. Both brothers were enjoying some truly tender meat. Bon appetit.

Cheetah on fresh wildbeest kill
Cheetah on fresh wildbeest kill
There is enough for both!
There is enough for both!

And, true to its name (Jackal’s Plain), soon there was keen interest to be observed by a local jackal, intent to make for the remains of the carcass. Nothing goes for waste in nature!

Hungry jackal moving in
Hungry jackal moving in

Speaking of which: the vultures were out en masse, as they are the ones who clean up the very last bits that carcasses leave behind.

... and the vultures are never far
… and the vultures are never far

Wow, what a safari day that was! Hard to match, and amongst the hundreds of photos taken, I chose some at random but I could have posted any, they were all great. I will try to go out myself on safari later this week, and I will attempt to capture some footage (and film footage) of my own.

I’ll keep you posted!