
On guard dutyNow at about 2 1/2 weeks oldBrand NewHitching a ride on the game viewerThere are some more new arrivals in the form of young Wildebeest. Driving about we are starting to bump into more and more of them as well as loads of young Impala and Warthog.

We had a great lion sighting on a morning safari game drive 2 days ago, they were so lethargic from a meal they had obviously just finished prior to our arrival.

A visit back to the Eagle Owl nest revealed that the chicks are still growing at an enormous rate. One will see in the attached photographs that the older chick is the one behind and the younger in front. In the first photo the mother is keeping an eye os us while we are inspecting the nest. She has become quite relaxed about us being around by now though.

We also saw this huge Leopard Tortoise, the biggest I have ever seen in my life.

We are currently preparing the lodge for a large guest arrival, it is their first Christmas safari holidays !