Martial Eagle vs Rock Monitor

On a recent Safari we came across the following scene – a Martial Eagle had caught a Rock Monitor !!

It is well documented that Martial Eagles often prey on Rock Monitors, but what made this sighting so special was that it is only very seldomly seen. So for our guests (and ourselves) to see one on their safari outing was obviously very exciting.

Rock Monitors are, as they say, “tough as old boots”, and very tenacious in defending themselves. They possess a long, whip-like tail that they can use to great effect in repelling an attacker. Monitors belong to the Family Varinidae and this very small family of about 46 living species, contains the world’s largest lizards.

The Rock Monitor can reach up tp 2.5m, or 7.5ft which is indeed a huge meal for an Eagle.

The Martial Eagle has phenomenal eyesight and can spot its prey from a great distance. This allows them to attack from above using powerful talons to subdue the lizard and then its razor sharp beak to reach the underbelly of the Monitor.

The Rock Monitor will keep fighting until the bitter end, and in some cases the Martial Eagle gives up, but in this case the Monitor was small enough to be overcome and was eventually exhausted from the fight.

It was a long battle and fiercely fought on both sides, but the magnificent raptor came out, literally, on top!

Please visit our website under to see all other animals that we see regularly on our game reserve!