
Hi all,

Wow we have been having some awesome sightings on the Conservancy as well as in the Kruger Park lately. The lions have been spending a lot of time around our staff accommodation and we wake up most mornings to their roars. What a great alarm clock! Even though you wake up with the shivers it still brings a big smile to our faces knowing that we are not stuck in the city hearing sirens and other man made annoyances.
The Elephants have moved back down South for the winter and are spending more and more time around Vuyani and the Moditlo River bed which runs just West of the camp. Most mornings we need to clear fallen trees from our access roads which they have pushed over during the night. Keeps us busy! 🙂
Rhinos have been more elusive over the last couple of weeks, with us having fewer sightings on safari game drives, but at least still seeing them on occasion. This is probably because of the cold and they are sticking to thickets and drainage lines where there is less wind, thus keeping them warm. Rhinos don’t like the cold it would appear.
For those of you in the Northern Hemisphere, we here at the Vuyani Safari Lodge wish you the greatest summer and hope you’re enjoying the warmth while it lasts. For us here in the Southern Hemisphere it’s bitterly cold this winter (only at night though) and we can’t wait for it to be over. Almost over guys hang in there!! July is the only “cold” month in this part of the world, so it’s not too bad. 😉

Quinton Chick – Lodge Manager and Head Ranger

One Reply to “Update”

  1. Hey Quinton,
    actually up here it is colder in mid summer than the temperatures you have mid Winter haha.

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