Lion Hunt

The last few days were an endless struggle to find the Lions. Every morning and every afternoon we found fresh signs of them but after hours of searching and tracking them on foot, we just couldnt get a sighting of them. grrrrrrrr.

Yesterday morning myself and Erich woke up with a determination that today was the day and we weren’t going back to the lodge for breakfast until we had found the lions.

So the safari started, we didn’t see a whole lot. Just Kudu, Impala, Nyala, Wildebeest and a few Giraffe. Probably because it was like minus 3 with the wind chill. All the animals must have found a big cave with central heating and decided to just wait out the very very slow sunrise.

About forty minutes into the game drive we came across a bunch of Vultures sitting in a tree. The fact that there were both Hooded Vultures as well as White Backed Vultures in the same tree, told us there was something up.

Myself and Erich got out of the vehicle and walked toward the Vultures to see if we could find any sign of what had interested the Vultures so much. After a short walk we came across some fresh Lion tracks and proceeded to follow. The tracks were very fresh but something popped into our heads, it definitely wasn’t gonna be a short walk or easy.

So two hours later and around 5km of walking, following and losing the spoor. The tracks then came out on a road again. Myself and Erich decided we would head back to the car to fetch the guests and then pursue the sneeky cats further. Well it didn’t take much more than that. After getting back to the guests and explaining to the Emery Family what was going on and what we were gonna do about it. We headed off to the spot we had left the tracks. We got to the spot and found that the Lions had moved further on down the road. At least no more walking for few minutes Shooo.

We proceeded down the road and not fifty metres from where we turned around, there lay all five lions stretched out in the sun. The highlight of any safari holiday! Took nice photos of them too.

A job well done and happy clients. Very cool.