Sleepy animals ….

Animals are surprisingly often just like humans … most of the time they just want to laze about and do absolutely nothing at all!

Lions, for instance, sleep between 20 and 22 hours a day. Nice.

Crocodiles sleep pretty much their entire lives, with the exception of the odd kill now and then.

Some animals, of course, are on the other end of the spectrum, and they get quasi no rest at all! Elephants, for instance, are eating for about 22 hours a day, as they need to eat 5% of their body weight every day, so for a grown elephant that is far over 200kg of food a day, and that takes time if you are eating leaves only.

Giraffes also only sleep a few minutes at a time, and almost never lie down for sleep either.

Hippos, for instance, only come out at night and graze, and then laze about in a lake, or near a lake for the best part of daytime.

See below photos of a bunch of hippos, and a crocodile, taken on our safari reserve, doing what they love the most: nothing at all. Many thanks to Mike for the beautiful shots!

Hippos on Moditlo
Hippos on Moditlo
Crocodile basking in the sun on Moditlo
Crocodile basking in the sun on Moditlo