Lions strike again

After several days of observing our lions failing at various kill attempts, they were lucky finally. They took down a wildebeest overnight, and when we found them this morning, they were busy feeding on the carcass. Their bellies were huge, so they had been busy for a little while. We saw the lions being acutely hungry over the last couple of days, and they were constantly looking for hunting opportunities. Well, they struck it rich last night, this will do for a day or two!

Our guests loved seeing the lions close-up, enjoying their morning breakfast, and relaxing after a successful night.

Many thanks to Uyai for the nice photos. What a sighting, well done!

Lions yesterday sniffing the air trying to identify prey
Lions yesterday sniffing the air trying to identify prey
Close-up photo taken from our game driver
Close-up photo taken from our game driver

And then this morning, finally ….

Lioness enjoying her breakfast
Lioness enjoying her breakfast
Lioness with bloody nose ;-)
Lioness with bloody nose 😉
Male lion enjoying a bit of a digestive moment
Male lion enjoying a bit of a digestive moment