Just another amazing day out in the African bush

What can I say? After a few days of on and off rain, it’s all back to nature’s best … and yesterday was, again, one of those days when it all comes together, and our guests return with big smiles on their faces. And that for very good reasons.

The cheetahs were tracked and found on Leopards Bend – They were taking a nap (as usual), not very interested in the vehicle – we decided to press on after about 10 minutes. We see cheetahs nowadays almost every day … and that’s one of the things that makes us famous.

Napping cheetah
Napping cheetah

We tracked and found a rhino, he was very relaxed and was munching away at the newly sprouted grass shoots. We spent around 15 Minutes just watching him graze. It was a cool sighting as we got pretty close (pretty is a massive understatement). It is hard to imagine the sheer size of these things … but just to give you an idea … they weigh about 7-8 times more than a cow. Rhinos are truly huge!

We then saw Vervet Monkeys crossing the road. Always good for some laughs, they are very entertaining animals indeed. We know why 😉

Along with MRL we tracked and found the lions on Moria near Jackal Plains – they were on the move and then suddenly fell down to take a nap. We eventually left them moving into the thicket near the Big Jackalberry tree on the southern part of Moditlo.

Pride of lions!
Pride of lions!

We also saw Dwarf Mongoose peeking out of a termite mound and white Backed Vulture scouting the afternoon sunlight for some food.


Actually we saw loads of other animals: giraffes, eagles, knob billed ducks, …

But I think you get the idea. When you go on safari with our guides, you’ll see loads of animals, and that’s guaranteed. One never knows exactly what, but it is always lots.