Cheetah sighting on the Blue Canyon Conservancy!

Yesterday our rangers were in the “Leadwood” portion of our 36,000 acre conservancy, all in the north, quite far from the Vuyani Safari Lodge, when they struck it lucky with this truly extraordinary sighting: a cheetah in the wild, up close!

The cheetah was looking very relaxed, in the middle of the path, giving our guests plenty of time to take some spectacular photos. Now that’s a safari!

We have been seeing more and more cheetahs as of late, so not only has the release and re-introduction of cheetahs proven to be successful, but our long suspicion is turning out to having been true: there were already cheetahs here before, and their numbers must be growing. That’s great news as this animal is in big danger of extinction and it is nice to see our conservancy having become a safe haven for them. Sightings of lions are quite frequent (at last twice a week), but to spot a cheetah, in the wild, and so close, is indeed a real privilege. Well done Jesse! That’s the third time this month we have seen cheetahs, so that’s a great result.

Photos below! Beautiful animal.