Our guests are having a great time!

Our guests had a fantastic up-close sighting of rhinos on our reserve 2 days ago. They were happily grazing away (the rhinos, not the guests), and gave our guests a great photo opportunity. We can only publish these photos 1-2 days after the sighting, in order to not give away locations (well, we don’t anyway). But we need to be 100% sure and make sure they are safe. Given that they are de-horned, that should keep them safe from poachers anyway, as they have no value to them.

Our guests enjoying a rhino sighting
Our guests enjoying a rhino sighting


The elephants were seen at the four way crossing near the Essim portion of the conservancy. The whole herd was slowly eating their way down the road. Very relaxed – they posed for some photos and then disappeared into the thicket.

We also tracked the pride of Lions all the way to Diep Dam – they had caught a Wildebeest and after they had eaten they went to drink water in the inflow of the dam. Thereafter they did what cats do best and just flopped down on the sand to take a nice 16-hour nap. Welcome to Africa! 😉