Cheetah Kill!

Gilles, our in-house creative arts director, was out with guests a couple of weeks ago, and came about one of the most spectacular sightings we have ever had at the lodge! A cheetah munching away at a very, very recent kill!

Gilles sent through the photos, and I wasn’t too sure if I could publish it, as the sight of it isn’t the prettiest in the world. Gilles also took a good quantity of film footage, and he will collate it all and publish it on Youtube in a few days. The link to this video will follow on our blog! Promised.

For now, see the three best photos I have.

While it was obviously a very unfortunate day for the killed impala, it was a great day for animal conservation, as cheetahs count amongst one of the most endangered species in Africa. Wilderness area destruction through human activity expansion, mostly related to cattle farming, has pushed cheetahs to the very brink of extinction. It is a real pleasure, and a privilege, to see the numbers of them rising on our conservancy, and we thank all our guests for making the reserve and conservancy viable for the long-term. We hope to see more of you in the future, so that the conservation and protection efforts can be improved further, and that more land owners can be convinced to add their lands to the conservancy and hand it back to African nature. With over 36,000 acres so far, the conservancy is one of the most successful in South Africa, and the kind of African safari experience one can have here is second to none in the country! If you would like to know more about the safari reserve, please visit our website at or call us on +44 78 70242893.


Cheetah 1

Cheetah 2

Cheetah 3