Daily sightings are getting better and better!

The rangers email in photos on a daily basis of all their best sightings, and what I notice is that the quality, scope and density of quality sightings is improving so fast that I have trouble believing it. We now see the lions almost every two days. Elephant sightings were always quite regular, but over recent weeks they have become downright frequent. The much increased intelligence we have about wildlife movement, as well as Uyai’s tracking skills are proving enormously helpful. Uyai knows  all there is to know about this reserve!

See below shots of the stunning sightings that I was emailed in 2 days ago.

What a beautiful shot of a mother elephant with her incredibly cute baby elephant, that is just a few weeks old. This is our very own royal baby, just with much less international media fuss, but it still matters more to me personally! The birth of a new elephant is always happy news, and it is wonderful to see how well the mothers care for them. What fun safaris …

Elephant with new born
Elephant with new born

Check out these choppers!

Lion roar
Lion roar

… and these !!!!
