Touching story

I read a really touching story on Yahoo News yesterday, and I thought I’d love to share this story with our many fans.

It is the story of an abandoned lion cub raised by two conservationists, and now, while she hunts on her own on the reserve, she has kept a very close relationship to the two gentlemen who raised her. This happened in Botswana, and the photos are truly touching.

In Botswana less and less land is available for wildlife, and so also there now wildlife reserves, governmental or private in nature, are pivotal for the co-existence of wild animals and humans.

Our conservation efforts here in South Africa, and in all other African countries, are absolutely key to offering long-term survival hopes for these rare and yet famous animals. Please visit us, and see the havens we have created here for African wildlife.

Here the link to the article:

and the photos:

Lion cub
Lion cub
Lion hug - she is growing up fast
Lion hug – she is growing up fast
Big lion hug!
Big lion hug!