Lovely white rhino sighting … and a Southern Ground Hornbill!

Jay-Dee had a great morning drive yesterday, that’s for sure.

We have had some first rains recently, and as a result the whole of nature has nicely greened up. Compare the photos of this story to, say, a month ago or so. Totally different world! There is a lot of wildlife activity at the moment as well (not that it is ever quiet though!) and now the first migratory birds from Europe are arriving as well, just in time as the “buggy” season starts. Feast-time! 🙂

Jay-Dee spotted a beautiful White Rhino yesterday, a male bull by the way, roaming around on his own. It was spotted at a lake that we call “Big Dam”, while it was drinking. The rhino was very relaxed, and our guests got great photo shots. As a matter of fact the shots below are Mary Tolle’s, one of our guests on safari with us. Well done, one of the loveliest White Rhino shots I have seen in a long while. Outstanding.

One can see the Rhino bull marking his territory on one of the photos. Male bulls are very territorial, and will defend their area tooth and nail, to the point of killing other male intruders. These guys are not to messed with when on heat!

Luck would have it that Jay-Dee would also spot a super rare Southern Ground Hornbill, which is the second time this month alone. So, message to the millions of birders out there in the world: If this rarest of all birds has eluded you all these years, and you want it off your bucket list, please visit us: you stand a decent chance here!

White Rhino at Big Dam
White Rhino at Big Dam
... very relaxed ...
… very relaxed …
Don't come here, this is my hood!
Don’t come here, this is my hood!
Very rare Southern Ground Hornbill
Very rare Southern Ground Hornbill